The American Beard Report, Issue #16
Exciting News!
The 2021 National Beard and Moustache Championships will be held on September 10th and 11th in Scranton at
Montage Mountain, Lackawanna County, PA.
We are still working out some lodging details, but rumors are that one or two Dunder-Mifflin employees may grace the celebrity-guest judging panel during the event.
At this event we will have an Exhibition Competition on Friday night September 10 and Full Categories on Saturday, Sept. 11. We will include all previously adopted NBMC categories.
Part of Nationals at Montage Mountain will include a “Nationals Only” experience at the waterpark, where only 2021 NBMC competitors, spectators and guests are allowed!
More details, including 2021 NBMC registration information, coming soon!
Club Spotlight
Every month we highlight one of the fabulous Facial Hair Clubs in this Great Land.
Compiled by Natali Johnston
St Louis, MO
St Louis Beard and Mustache Club Quick Facts:
City, State: St Louis, Missouri
Established May 2014
Around 100 members
What inspired you to form a club?
Richie Darling, our 1st President, wanted to change the perception people had of bearded and mustachioed men. He and a couple others formed a club for them to do volunteer work together.
Do you hold an annual competition?
Yes, this year would have been our 7th competition.
Do you have a charity/charities to benefit?
Yes, The Covering House, an organization that helps girls ages 13-17 that have been victims of sexual trafficking. Also, Got Your 6 PTSD Support Dogs, an organization that helps train dogs for Veterans.
Please list your proudest moment as a club:
Becoming an actual 501c3, we worked hard to get it accomplished!
The friendly members of the St Louis Beard and Mustache Club
Meet the Beardspeople of America
Every issue we give you a sneak peek of otherwise normal, fun-loving Americans who are deeply involved in the bearding subculture.
Compiled by Natali Johnston
Joey Rumpell
High Ridge, Missouri
Club Affiliation:
Vice President of the St Louis Beard &Mustache Club
How long have you been bearding?
Since 2014
Have you won any awards?
Many trophies over the years. Bringing home a gold belt from Whiskermania was the BEST! My 1st win was Best Female Mustache in St Louis by the American Mustache Institute. 🥰
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about It?
Meeting others that give it all to raise money for people in need is wonderful.
What are other hobbies of yours besides bearding?
Hoarding succulents, cacti, and houseplants. 🤣
Bear Den
Norfolk, VA
Club Affiliaton: Bearded Villains Northern Virginia
How long have you been bearding?
After leaving the Army in 1998, I have always had some sort of facial hair on my face. I would always partake in No Shave November but in 2017 I wondered if there was something out there where I could continue to provide charity year-round.
Have you won any awards?
Well……technically I have 28 beard awards including a National Title, but I prefer to look at them as mementos of a great time with great people!!
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
I do it in remembrance of My Grandmother. She instilled the importance of having a sense of charity to my family. I remember traveling to visit the shut-in when I was just a child. I cherish the memories of happiness.
What else do you do besides bearding?
I enjoy camping, traveling and Karaoke. It’s probably not a surprise that someone named Bear would enjoy spending time in the woods.
Shawn 'Big Sexy' Glander
Spokane Valley, WA
Club Affiliation: West Coast Beard Mobb President, Spokane Beard and Mustache Member
How long have you been bearding?
First of all, thanks for having me, it's an honor.
I've had facial hair from 13 on, but in the full on community sense, I started in October of 2017. My first comp was Epic 7 here in Spokane. I think I'm around number 30 now with these online.
Have you won any awards?
I have a few. I think I have at least a first, second & third in every category I've competed in(under 8, under 12 & freestyle). Couple of favorites would be my Freestyle win at Mobbfest last year and my 3rd place in 6-12 at the Rose City in Portland. The competition was nuts there.
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
I first started competitive bearding and checking out clubs to meet new people that enjoyed their beard as much as I did. It was fascinating to me that this was even a thing. After actually getting involved with it all I found the charitable side. I immediately became addicted to what the community is really all about. My wife Andrea and I participate in a ton of fundraising events and even host a competition of our own, Beards on the Rocks.
What made you want to start a show? Tell us a little about it.
I had a weekly show a couple of years ago on a product Facebook page, but it was extremely informal. Fun, but no substance. I've thought awhile about starting something up again with more structure, that can be a positive contributor to our community. I'd say my passion, to start something, came back in full swing by watching the Talking Beards weekly show. Not only do they entertain but they are constantly contributing to the beard community. I took the great mold they created and added some of my own flair to it like guest hosts, weekly sponsors, giveaways and of course, my amazing charisma! Lol, jokes.
Its a work in progress but I really enjoy putting it on and will continue to do so as long as people continue to watch!
Jodi Roweine
Prospect, PA
Club Affiliation: Steel City Beard and Mustache Club aka SCBMC
How long have you been bearding?
I started out volunteering as fire protection for a Mad Viking event in 2014, I then attended my first comp later that year, it was Beards of the Old Northwest’s held at Agora.
Have you won any awards?
I have won a few. My most treasured is my 3rd place realistic mustache that I got at Worlds in 2017.
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
I have always loved to volunteer, to help at events, so that’s how I started. When I saw the women competing, I thought I’m crafty I can do that, so I took a shot at it. I do it because it’s a chance to show off a creative side that might not be seen otherwise. The best thing about it? Meeting all the people, creating new friendships, raising money for charity, and sometimes you get prizes or trophies.
Of all your costumes and creations, which has been your favorite to do so far?
My favorite creation that I did was my version of Will Ferrell as Gene Frenkle in the Saturday Night Live skit “More Cowbell
Keary Molinaro
El Paso, TX
I was born and raised in Hazleton Pennsylvania. In 2007 I joined the United States Marine Corps. As a Marine I spent a few years in Southern California before getting stationed in El Paso, Texas in 2011. I decided to get out of the Marine Corps in 2016 and have been living in El Paso ever since.
Club affiliation: I’m not officially affiliated with any club.
How long have you been bearding?
My first beard competition was in May 2020! After seeing photos from previous national and world competitions I became fascinated and decided I wanted to give it a shot. I saw that Talking Beards was hosting an online competition so I decided to join and I was instantly hooked! I’ve tried a few different categories but found partial beard (goatee) freestyle to be my sweet spot.
Have you won any awards?
Since that first competition in May 2020, I’ve competed in about 13 competitions. I’ve placed in all but 2 of them. My biggest accomplishment so far was winning Best in Show at the Beards 4 Maddie competition in October 2020!
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
I fell in love with the community! Everyone from seasoned world champions to rookies have been so welcoming and helpful. I love being part of something bigger than myself! A place where I can have a creative outlet, compete, and help out a bunch of very worthy charities along the way.
Tell us something fascinating about yourself.
I get into a lot of different hobbies! I recently opened The Grooming Emporium
We carry beard oils, balms, mustache waxes, and other beard related products expertly crafted by small businesses from all over! Its one way we are trying to help out the bearding community and small businesses! (Be sure to follow us on Facebook!)
In addition to The Grooming Emporium I run The Molinaro Snake Lab. I breed a few different types of snakes and make unique videos about the snakes and my breeding projects! Check them out on Instagram, Facebook and TicTok at molinaro_snake_lab.
I also enjoy card throwing, juggling, and exploring the outdoors. You can follow all of my antics on my personal Facebook page or on Instagram at molinaro_mad_lab!
Rising Stars with MJ -
Exclusive Interviews with the Cream of the Crop!
Thanks again for opening another issue of the American Beard Report.
We are currently seeking submissions, including: articles, poetry, short stories, and/or product reviews.
If you have an idea of a feature you’d like to see, or if you would like to submit local highlights, or an in-depth review of your competition or local facial hair related event, or almost anything else,
please send it to