The American Beard Report Issue #4
Hello, and welcome to another edition of the American Beard Report!
November was a month of family and friends, great competitions and new facial hair for people all over the world thanks to Movember. It is an important time, here at the end of the month, to encourage all of those new growers to keep growing! If you know anyone who is struggling with keeping their magnificent new look, please direct them to the National Don't Shave Hotline (512) 686-8237. Operators are standing by… (not really, but you can leave a message if you like, and if it is urgent some beardsman from Somewhere, America will get back with you). Remember, “Your beard never stops growing. It never gives up on you, so never give up on your beard.”
November Facial Hair Competition hearsay:
The 4th Annual Circus of Whiskers in Detroit hosted by the Murder City FHC was able to raise $4,502 for the Detroit Animal Welfare Group (DAWG)!!!!! "Had an awesome time… Looking forward to seeing everyone again next year." - Brandon Bryan, Adrian Michigan
WPBMA Competition was a heck of a party and has been happening since 2008. Organizer Dave gram says that it's completely free to everyone and all money they raised goes to Muscular Dystrophy USA and pays for kids to go to a week-long camp for fun activities to improve quality of life. Awesome!
Whiskers of War ’18 hosted by the Hampton Roads Beard & State Society was a huge success. Meaghan Cool of Wendell, NC says, “Congratulations on once again hosting such an amazing event! And Thank You to all the Veterans, your service is very much appreciated.” We salute their efforts and all the efforts of our Armed Forces.
The Steel City Beard & Mustache Club had this to say about their 6th annual competition: “All of this love, support and effort helped Beards for Beasts 6: Tastes Like Snozzberries be a successful event, raising over $11,400 in donations to our charities (Hello Bully and Humane Animal Rescue)! We are all blown away by what this community can do! Even in a month with a lot of competitions, and even the weekend before Thanksgiving, you all turned out to support us and show these charities that you care. So again, thank you all!”
Whisker Bent and Hell Bound IV was also a spectacular showing. The Canyon State Beard Club raised $2000 for their charity The Singletons, breaking their record from previous competitions. Great work!
“You can measure time in days, weeks, months, or beards.”
It is so amazing that so many facial hair wearers, clubs and supporters are working together with their communities every day to promote positive facial hair awareness while helping out when and where they can. No effort to help is too small, and every act of kindness goes towards breaking down negative facial hair stereotypes. Your facial hair is a uniform that you wear 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It separates you from the “43% of Americans that shave everyday”*, and the larger percentage of Americans that shave once or twice a week. Sometimes it is easy to overlook how different you might look on the outside with your face manes, but it’s important to notice that we are all representing our subculture at all times. Every time you return a shopping cart to the cart stand or hold the door open for someone else, you are sending a facial-hair-positive message to everyone who might see you. Being kind and considerate of others reassures everyone that the big/weird/scary beardo are all human on the inside, maybe even nicer than most. Find out how many American men have beards, roughly.
Thanks for reading another American Beard Report. In the next issue we will be releasing some exciting news and we can hardly wait to share it with you! Until then, stay safe and Keep Growing for America!
Correction: Last month we wrote that a “reported 150 members of the Bearded Villains” attended the 2nd Biennial GABMC in Richmond, VA. It has come to our attention by the RVA Beard League that 61 (not 150) competitors included a Bearded Villains affiliation at the time of registration. Sorry for the inaccuracy, but 61 is still probably a record number of competitors to enter a single competition from a single club ever! Thanks Bearded Villains!
Club Of The Month
The Minnesota Beard and Moustache Coalition
(dba The Minneapolis Beard and Moustache Club)
City, State: Minneapolis/St. Paul (MSP), Minnesota
When were you established? April, 2011
How many members do you have? 70+
What inspired you to form a club? Originally inspired by founder, MJ Johnson’s desire “to document a modern history of facial hair in Minneapolis and advocate for facial hair acceptance in the workplace”, The MBMC has grown to become a 501(c)3 nonprofit with the mission To grow a more inclusive community through facial hair. Our commitment is to be a welcoming group of individuals who work with different partners to build a stronger, more vibrant community by focusing our efforts on a single cause or project.
Do you hold an annual competition? Yes, currently hosting our 2nd Annual Novem-BEARD event on 11/30/18
Do you have a charity/charities to benefit? Novem-BEARD is presented in partnership with and in benefit for The American Cancer Society. The MBMC has partnered with other charitable organizations in the past including The Sheridan Story, The Minnesota Autism Center, and Kody’s Closet.
Proudest moment as a club: During the inaugural Novem-BEARD in 2017, hearing the inspiration stories from cancer survivors and those who have lost loved ones to cancer, coming together in support of each other and their community, and being reminded of why we do the work that we do.
If you have a club or know of a club that would be perfect for this feature, please click here for more information.
December Competitions
If you have a favorite competition that would be perfect for this feature, please click here for more information
Meet The American Facial Hair Community
Brian Roy
Hometown: Taunton, MA
Occupation: Steel Worker/Santa/Actor
Club/Product Affiliation: Boston Beard Bureau, Beardsman Oil Company, Mountain Man Beard Oil
How long have you been bearding? I stopped "shaving" when I was 17/18, I've had some sort of facial hair ever since.
Have you won any awards? Currently 4th in the World in Garibaldi Beard.
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it? I do it, because it's a fun time, all while raising money for worthwhile causes. Dressing up in costume, acting a fool, knowing you aren't the only one. NO JUDGEMENTS!!!!
Jamin O’Malley
Hometown: Saint Paul, MN
Occupation: Nonprofit Salesforce Consultant
Club/Product Affiliation: President – The Minnesota Beard and Moustache Coalition
How long have you been bearding? Since February, 2014
Have you won any awards?
1st Place – Full Beard Freestyle – South Dakota Beard Clash, 2018
1st Place – Full Beard Freestyle – TRF, 2018
2nd Place – Full Beard Freestyle – Great Nordic Beard Fest, 2016
3rd Place – Full Beard Freestyle – MBMC/DMBC Winter Beard Contest, 2016
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it? I enjoy bearding for the camaraderie and the charity. By getting involved in the worldwide bearding community I have met some truly wonderful and amazing people, expanded my personal and professional network, and helped raise tens of thousands of dollars for various charities around the US and the world.
Cory Maxson
Hometown: Sherman, TX
Occupation: Diesel mechanic at an international dealership in McKinney, TX
Club/Product Affiliation: Vice President of the North Texas Beard Alliance
How long have you been bearding? Three years
Have you won any awards? I have won 1st full beard at beards on the bay, tons of 2nd and third place trophies from other clubs. I finished 11th in full beard styled stache at worlds.
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it? My favorite thing about it (other then the people we meet in the bearding community) is helping LOCAL charities. I like to see our donations get put to work personally!
Ember Boland
Hometown: Mustang, Oklahoma
Occupation: I'm a paycom support specialist (I make sure companies pay taxes correctly)
Club/Product Affiliation: I'm the president of the Oklahoma City Beard Club
How long have you been bearding? I was in my 1st competition at in Texas at Decembeard in 2013.
Have you won any awards? I have a couple of 1st and 2nd place trophies here and there, although I'm most proud of my 9th place I got at Worlds in Austin.
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it? Honestly...combines most of my favorite things... I get to be silly, creative, raise money for a good cause, and hang out with my friends.
If you or someone you know would be perfect for the AFHC feature, please click here for more information.