The American Beard Report Issue #13
Thanks for opening another issue of the American Beard Report.
This issue we have an Exclusive Interview, a great Club Spotlight, and a few friendly profiles of some active participants in the current Bearding Scene. We hope that you’ll enjoy.
As Social Distancing and Mask-Wearing are now commonplace, many of us who have previously been a regular part of the unofficial National Circuit of Facial Hair Competitions have been missing our friends and family something fierce. Many clubs have hosted online competitions to remedy this tragedy. While these lack the in-person comradery and live energy, they still do a great job of channeling friendship and raising money for different charities across the country.
For the past several months since reluctantly canceling the 2020 Nationals*, BTUSA has been processing and experimenting with how an online Nationals could run and look, and with any luck we should have some exciting news for you very soon. Please stay tuned!
We mentioned last month that many Americans are growing out their facial hair like never before. Many are first time wearers, and others are revisiting a style that they had tried out in their younger days. As Ambassadors of Facial Hair, we should do our best in encouraging everyone in their own facial-hair-discovery journey. It is a natural, wonderful, and majestic transformation, and everyone should have the freedom to grow their own.
*Beard Team USA was forced to scrap our plans for a 2020 National Competition, which was going to be held at the Orange County Choppers facility in Newburgh, NY.
Exclusive Interview with Dillon Scott -
Chef, Stay-at-home-Dad, and creator of Hey, Nice Beard!, an interview series featuring competitive beard wearers.
Original Beard style by Dillon Scott.
Dillon Scott - Phoenix Arizona - Canyon State Beard Club
How long have you been bearding?
4 amazing years competing, but I have had some form of facial hair since I was 17. Before that I was in J.R.O.T.C. so I had to be completely clean shaven. So 16 years?
Have you won any awards?
Well when I started competing I only had a mustache. My category only had 3 people and I took 3rd. the next year I entered full beard styled mustache and took 3rd. the year after that I took 1st place in the same category. After that it was all creative freestyle. I went a whole year without winning anything. After a lot of practice and help from some of the best freestyle competitors I knew, guys like John Banks, Greg Schoenwolf, and Robert Hollerman I finally took 3rd at Come And Shave It, 2nd at Beard Battle Los Angles. When The Gentlemen’s Social Club of Los Angles did their online comp this year I finally got my first 1st place in creative freestyle and a third place during RVA’s online comp.
Why do you do it and/or what is your favorite thing about it?
Helping people is one of the biggest parts of it for me. The bearding community is full of people who like to help. If it isn’t charity, they are helping each other with their beard styles. For a group of big intimidating looking guys and gals, they are all super nice and just wanna do good things.
Are you really a chef?
I really am! I started working in a small takeout Chinese food restaurant my freshman year of high school. I went to culinary school, I have worked at some amazing restaurants under some amazing chefs. I have ran my own kitchens, come up with my own menus, hired and fired. Its been amazing.
Have you ever had a beard related mishap while cooking?
Once I was turning on a piece of kitchen equipment to clean it. I didn’t realize the pilot light was not lit. so after a few minutes I checked the heat and the equipment was ice cold. So I went underneath the equipment and pulled out my zippo to light it. My manager walked up and asked “what are you doing?” but it was too late. A giant fireball engulfed my entire head. It melted the first to inches of the hear on top of my head, and melted my eyebrows to my face, my eyelashes together, my chin strap melted mike plastic to my face, and my eyeballs burned. I was rolling around on the ground screaming and crying while the entire restaurant filled with the smell of burnt hair. Everyone told the manager “DO SOMETHING!!!” and he replied “I CANT! I CANT STOP LAUGHING!”
Can you tell us about "Hey, Nice Beard"?
I love getting to know the people in the bearding community. Every competition I go to I meet new people and learn new things about people I previously didn’t know. I had an idea of asking people not only about their experiences with the bearding community but personal questions that people don’t know about some of the people everyone knows. That and I miss everyone. It’s a good way to talk to them.
Have you had any luck reaching Jack Passion?
Meh. I got some info on a possible lead, but I am still waiting to hear from that lead. He is illusive like a cat. I cant find him on any social media platforms, nothing. It’s a little frustrating, but I will not let it get me down. I will just keep trying.
What do you think the future holds for bearding?
I like where it is heading. Facial hair clubs have come up with creative ways to fundraise and hold competitions. I like this online comp trend and think it will be a strong way to continue what we are all about. Maybe clubs will be able to hold two comps a year, or have remote competitors on a projection screen when we are able to have in-person comps again.
What is your favorite product for creating a freestyle beard?
Got 2 B hairspray. I have 4 cans on hand at any given time. Sometimes I use it on a windy day just to keep everything in place.
What is the messiest thing (beardwise) that you regularly eat?
Sandwiches and hamburgers. I like them with all the toppings I can put on them. Sauces, meat and vegis constantly end up in my beard. I get the funniest looks from people who just don’t understand. Before I had this beard, I never really made a mess while eating. Now it’s a daily occurrence.
Another Original Creation by Dillon Scott.
Facial Hair Club Spotlight:
RVA Beard League
Richmond, VA
When were you established?
We got things rolling earlier, but our first Pub Night was in August of 2011, so we really consider that to be the start of things. As such, we’re kicking off our 10th year in the midst of all of this.
How many members do you have?
We have about 4 dozen folks in our internal members group with about 2 dozen regulars.
What inspired you to form a club?
There was a pre-existing club in town that formed following Nationals in Bend but it had pretty much folded. This competitive beard thing seemed pretty interesting, so “The Follicles of the James ‘Stache & Beard League” was founded. We quickly realized that name was too much, so we simplified it to the “RVA Beard League”. It seemed to be a great way to bring together and meet new people from around town and to help make Richmond and even better city in which to live.
Do you hold an annual competition?
We usually hold the Mid-Atlantic Beard & ‘Stache Championships the last weekend in April. This year we weren’t able to, so we held the CouchVid-20 Online Beard & ‘Stache Competition this July so our previously announced charity would be helped out somehow this year. We’re also extremely close to donating a total of $100,000 to charity, so we’re stoked that our next comp will push us over!
Do you have a charity/charities to benefit?
We usually choose a different local vetted charity each year to try and spread the love around town.
Please list your proudest moment as a club:
It was probably when all of our months of planning and teamwork paid off when we hosted the 2018 Great American Beard & Moustache Championship. We expected 275 local, regional, and international competitors, planned for 300, and had 345 walk across the stage.
A few of the beautiful folks of the RVA Beard League..
A Pre-Covid Social Gathering with the RVA Beard League.
Meet the American Beardspeople!
Compiled and edited by Natali Johnston
Sarah Willis
Hometown: Army brat that has declared Richmond, VA despite not having any ancestral ties and having only moved there in 2005.
Club Affiliation: RVA Beard League
How long have you been bearding?
Six years! My first competition was in 2014 at RVA's Mid Atlantic Beard and Stache Championships
Have you won any awards?
A few, but never a first place. I think most of my awards are for 2nd place but honestly, a couple of them feel like 1st because I was just so happy with what I made, like my cat beard and The Birds. My take on Dick in a Box didn't place but I consider it a win because if was the first realistic beard appliance I completely made.
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
I LOVE ATTACHING THINGS TO MY FACE. It scratches that creative itch in the best way. I keep doing it because the bearding community. I've always been crafty and bearding gives me not just an outlet, but people who support and encourage it. I've never been the cool or even normal kid, but I don't feel out of place at bearding events, even when I have a blow up doll attached to my face with fake blood or 8 footlong sandwiches hanging off my head. When I broke my ankle this past September, I was grateful it happened while volunteering with the RVA Beard League because it was like a lot less scary having my fuzzy family. While recovering, I had so many bearding people across the country checking in on me and offering support. It really helped combat the isolation of being stuck at my parents for months. I love all my fellow weirdo beardos so much.
How many cats is really too many? And why?
Too many cats are however many it would take to fully smother me because then I'd be dead and unable to love them all. I am really bad at having a cat allergy.
Jason Sealand
Hometown: Hadley PA
Club Affiliation: Mad Viking Beard Club
How long have you been bearding?
7 years
Have you won any awards?
2 second places and a third
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
Community & Charity. Having fun with friends and helping others.
How did you come up with your clubs motto?
It’s a rendition of the Noble Nine virtues. We call them the axe. So our chant is Live by the axe and die by the axe.
Emily Grazis
Hometown: Orange County, CA
Club Affiliation: The Gentleman’s Social Club of Los Angeles, Beard Mobb West Coast
How long have you been bearding?
I’ve only been a competitive Whiskerina since April 2019, but it seems longer. Originally I was going to comps to support my boyfriend and his beard. But I love arts and crafts and take pride in being a Whiskerina.
Have you won any awards?
Yes I won 3rd place Whiskerina last year at a comp in Bakersfield. There was no theme but we all ended up doing Halloween type beards!
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
I do it because it’s a great way to express my creativity through craft bearding. I love that proceeds from every comp go to some type of charity, and it’s a great way to socialize and make new friends!
Tell us something fun about you:
Something fun about me...I absolutely love singing karaoke, and I used to work at a summer camp out here on Catalina Island. We got to do all the activities the campers did such askayaking, sailing, and the ropes course. My favorite ended up being night snorkeling (with an underwater flashlight).
Sarah "Dallas" Dutton
Hometown: Elko, Nevada
Club Affiliation: Battle Born Beards and Cohorts
How long have you been bearding?
My first comp was 2017
Have you won any awards?
I've placed in many of the comps I've participated in. I hope to compete in a national/world comp soon!
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
It's a great way to express and practice creative energy with every medium while helping many amazing organizations and non-profit causes. The bearding community has become my family..
Besides bearding, do you have any other creative talents?
I am licensed barber, Master Groomer and novice fashion photographer/model. I love fashion well usually the wierd quirky non-fashion fashions..
Honestly all art in every medium.. I dabble in it all!
Eric Brooks
Hometown: Rockville, Maryland
Club Affiliation: Rocky Mountain Beard and Moustache Club
How long have you been bearding?
9 long years
Have you won any awards?
Just a few…
2012 3rd Place Full Beard Groomed RVA Mid Atlantic Beard and Moustache Competiton
2012 2nd Place Groomed Beard GAFBO Beard and Moustache Competition Michigan
2013 1st Place Freestyle Beard Inaugural Boulder Facial Hair Club Competiton
2013 1st Place Freestyle Beard - Dixie Maid Pickles Beard and Moustache Competition
2014 1st Place Freestyle Beard + BEST IN SHOW - 2nd Annual Boulder Facial Hair Club Competition
2014 1st place Freestyle Beard - Inaugural Rocky Mountain Beard and Moustache Club Competition
2015 2nd Place Freestyle Beard - 3rd Annual Boulder Facial Hair Club Competition
2015 2nd Place Freestyle Beard - COME AND SHAVE IT #9
2016 1st Place Freestyle Beard + BEST IN SHOW - 3rd Annual Rocky Mountain Beard and Moustache Club Competition
2016 1st Place Freestyle Beard - 2nd annual Salty Saints Oktoberfest Beard and Moustache Competition
2016 1st Place Freestyle Beard + BEST IN SHOW - 4th Annual Boulder Facial Hair Club Competition
2016 1st Place Styled Moustache - Grimm Brothers Brewery Movember Competition
2017 1st Place Freestyle Beard - 4th Annual Rocky Mountain Beard and Moustache Club Competition
2017 1st Place Freestyle Beard - 5th Annual Boulder Facial Hair Club Competition
2017 1st Place Freestyle Beard + BEST IN SHOW - Beards, Bacon, and Brews Beard Competition
2018 1st Place Freestyle Beard - Boise Beard Bazaar Freakshow
2018 2nd Place Freestyle Beard - Salty Saints Oktoberfest Beard and Moustache Competition
2018 3rd Place SPEED STYLE - Rocky Mountain Beard Bout 5
2019 1st Place Freestyle Beard - Boise Beard Bazaar May the 4th Beard with You Competiton
2019 1st Place Partial Beard Natural - Mile High Beard Bout - Denver
2020 1st Place Partial Beard Freestyle - Come and Shave it #14
2020 2nd Place Partial Beard Natural - Talking Beards Online Beard Competition
2020 1st Place Partial Beard Freestyle - We are the World Online Beard Competition
2020 1st Place Partial Beard OVERALL - Ballarat Beard and Stache Online Competition - AUSTRALIA
2020 1st Place Partial Beard Freestyle - RVA COUCHVID Online Competition
2020 2nd Place Partial Beard Natural - Rose City Beard and Moustache Competition ONLINE
Why do you do it and/or Best thing about it?
I enjoy seeing friends that I have made throughout my years competing and traveling. I don’t get to see these people enough. A lot of them have become my best friends and it makes me very happy when I see them again. I also love the fact that we are coming together from all sorts of walks of life for one common purpose.. Raising money for charity and to have fun while doing it. There are so many crazy fun bonding experiences that have come along with competing and I will always cherish every single one of them.
If you could switch lives with anyone for day, who would you choose?
Probably someone like the super rich aliens like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. I would hide some money somewhere only I knew about so that when I change back into Eric Brooks I can go to that hiding spot and inherit that cheddar and spread the wealth with my homies.
Thanks again for opening another issue of the American Beard Report.
We are currently seeking submissions, including: articles, poetry, short stories, and/or product reviews.
Or, if you have an idea of a feature you’d like to see, or if you would like to submit local highlights, or an in-depth review of your competition or local facial hair related event, or almost anything else,
please send it to