The American Beard Report Issue #9
It has been a hot, sticky summer, but luckily most of us were providing our own shade with our magnificent facial hair. How many times has someone come up to you and asked the inevitable question, “Doesn’t that get hot?”. Well, according to a 2013 study in Australia, facial hair can reduce anywhere from 50 to 95 percent of the ultraviolet (UV) rays reaching the skin underneath. In the study, the shortest length that provided protection was at just .4 inches thick with a UPF of about 2, while the strongest protection started with beards that were 3.5 inches thick resulting in a UPF of 21. So, next time you are asked if your facial hair makes you hot, you could cite this report… or you could tell them that you are into Bikram Bearding.
*It is still recommended to use sunscreen on any exposed skin if you are in the sun, even if you have awesome facial hair.
This is a bandana, shown in White. Available colors are Athletic Gold, Sky Blue, and White, Available soon on the BTUSA Store.
The National Beard and Moustache Championships is coming up in November. This Annual event has been on pause for a few years, but we’re bringing it back and partnering with Remington Beard Boss and 350 Brewing. We’ll be holding the event at 350 Brewing Company’s Insanity Factory, a large brewing facility a few blocks away from their main tap-room. The Insanity Factory is an open, indoor space where competitors and spectators will be surrounded by brewing equipment and whiskey barrels, all within sight of a massive decommissioned Mental Health facility. There will be vendors from all over the country, and our other sponsors include Skully’s CTZ Beard Oil, Beardsgaard Barbers, River Peak Apothecary, The American Mustache Institute, and more to be announced soon! 100% of ticket sales from this event will benefit PAWS Tinley Park, Together We Cope, and Oscar Mike. In addition to that, we will also be raising funds for them through soft good sales and other various, creative ways. In the American Beard Reports leading up to the event we will be explaining what these great charities do, how they benefit their community, and how to get involved with them.
*In case you missed the announcement, the categories have been expanded to a record-breaking number of 51 options. At the bottom of this newsletter you can find an exhaustive list of these categories.
Exclusive Interview with Joshua Varagozza
By MJ Johnson
MJ : Big Bad Josh V,
Would you be at all interested in doing a 5 question interview with me for the Beard Team USA Newsletter?
JV : Absolutely
MJ : Sweet. That was the first question. Only 4 left.
JV : Lololololololol thanks MJ
MJ : Question 2 - A wise man once said “Just pull your pants down and hug someone”. What does this ancient proverb mean to you?
JV : To me it means, we all need to embrace our vulnerability. Think about it. No secrets. Everything out in the open. Let’s ditch this vulnerability and comfort zone bullshit.
MJ : I like that! Has your beard taught you anything?
JV : Habitual laziness can be pretty. Flat irons create steam that burns chins. Not everything has to be symmetrical, no matter how much you try and force it. Lines aren’t everything. All beards aren’t the same.
MJ : Indeed. They say every super hero needs their theme music. If Big Bad Josh V had a theme song what would it be?
JV : Drake - ‘Started From the Bottom’ fo sho. Now my whole team is freaking here.
MJ : Ha! Fitting since your projects seem ‘Nonstop’. Speaking of which... I saw a teaser video of a project with you and Action Bronson. What do we have here?
JV : I got wicked baked and watched ‘Ancient Aliens’ with him. It was so fun and awkward!
MJ : My guy! Thank you so much!!
JV : Anytime, MJ. Thanks for making me feel cool.
Meet The American Facial Hair Community
All photos and interviews taken at the 2019 SD Beard Clash in Sioux Falls, SD
“Not Afraid to Bare it All”
Name: Josh Bearfoot Brains Thompson
Hometown: Fort Worth, TX
Occupation: Retired US Army
Club and/or Product Affiliation: Cowtown Moustache & Beard Society, Beard Commander
How long have you been bearding? 4 years
Have you won any awards? 2 Best in Shows, Many win, place, and shows.
Why do you do it and/or what is your favorite thing about it?
I do it to have fun with like-minded beardos and help as many people as I can.
“Deck the Halls with Beards of Holly”
Name: Holly Hurrelmeyer
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Occupation: I work at the coolest outdoor store, R.E.I.
Club and/or Product Affiliation: Derby City (D.C.W.C.)
How long have you been bearding?
Since March 2014
Have you won any awards?
Maybe one or two and one best in show
Why do you do it and/or what is your favorite thing about it?I love meeting people, travel and most importantly giving back to the charities.
“Rising Star”
Name: Andrew Mattson
Hometown: Sparta, WI
Occupation: Production Supervisor
Club and/or Product Affiliation:
Minnesota Beard & Moustache Coalition
How long have you been bearding?
2 Years
Have you won any awards?
12 1st, 11 2nd, and 2 3rd.
Why do you do it and/or what is your favorite thing about it?
I do it for the family aspect and charity. This community brought me out of my shell and allowed me to travel and meet friends.
“Lets his Moustache Speak for Itself”
Name: Joe Klimowiez
Hometown: Stevens Point, WI
Occupation: Electrical Engineer
Club and/or Product Affiliation: Point Whiskers
How long have you been bearding? 1 year
Have you won any awards? 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Mustache
Why do you do it and/or what is your favorite thing about it?
The people.
“Nicest Handwriting in Bearding”
Name: Mike Wilson
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Occupation: I.T. Recruiter
Club and/or Product Affiliation: Minnesota Beard & Moustache Coalition
How long have you been bearding? 4 years
Have you won any awards? Yes, top honor is 2nd place @ 2018 GABMC, Full Beard Styled ‘Stache.
Why do you do it and/or what is your favorite thing about it?
I do it for the camaraderie, for the charity, and for the family I’ve found. My favorite part is seeing my bearded brethren at comps and seeing the look on the charities’ faces when they see the turnout.
“Midwest Sensation”
Name: Omar Shifrin
Hometown: Wichita, KS
Occupation: Assembly in the Aircraft Industry
Club and/or Product Affiliation: The Bearded Monkey Social Club and The Gnarly Beard Co.
How long have you been bearding? 5 1/2 years
Have you won any awards? Yes, around 30
Why do you do it and/or what is your favorite thing about it?
I do it for fun, friendship and charity.
Contributors Wanted!
The American Beard Report is seeking contributors from all across the country to help us make this report more informative and relevant. We’d love to hear and see what is going on in your community. Contributions can consist of a general report on your local Competition or club, or any facial hair related news that is growing from your region. We will also accept photos, poems, images of artwork, short stories, jokes, and whatever else you think of (maybe).
Please email your content to:
There are many Moustache and Beard competitions happening all over America on any given weekend. The majority of these events work towards supporting a local or regional non-profit group or other community organization in need. For upcoming competitions in your area, please check out the Alliance Competition Calendar. While you are there, browse their site and see what they are all about!
Category Detail for the 2019 National Beard and Moustache Championships!
Glossary of terms:
Grooming Aids - Oils, balms, other hair products without “Hold”
Styling Aids - Hair Products with “Hold”
Additional Structural Materials - Items that create support or armature for the beard. Examples are wire, string or other non-natural, non-naturally-grown-and-attached-to-the-wearer materials that might hold the beard parts up or together.
Friday, November 8 - Exhibition
This exhibition event is a for-fun event that will provide information on how Saturdays event will operate. Competitors are permitted to enter one (1) category on Friday and one (1) category on Saturday if they wish. All First Place winners from both days will be eligible to win “Best In Show” Saturday Evening.
1. Design Beard - Short, styled beard with designs/graphics carved into it. Will be judged on creativity and style.
2. Business Beard - A well-presented beard with also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Styling Aids permitted, all lengths accepted.
3. Brewers Beard - Any beard of a hard working, beer making person. Beard will be judged on wildness and ability to produce yeast**.
4. Veterans Beard - Any beard from a retired or discharged US Service member. Will be judged on overall suitability and time invested.
5. Mr. Moustache - A well groomed, short, thick Push-broom/caterpillar-like moustache. Bonus points for a smile.
6. 5 O’Clock Shadow - Competitors will shave no earlier than 7 am the day of the event and will be judged according to level of growth later that same day at 5pm (17:00).
Saturday November 9th - Competition
7. Natural Moustache - Judges will be looking for a natural moustache with no styling aids present. The moustache must not begin growth from the skin at a distance further than 3/4” beyond the corner of the wearers mouth. Any length of moustache hairs is accepted.
8. Styled, Handlebar Moustache - The Styled Moustaches will be expected to have a single, open curl or loop on both sides. All hair growing from more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth must be shaved. The moustache hairs themselves will have no regulation on length. Any or all styling aids will be permitted and some styling is required. Hungarian Moustache would fit in this category.
9. Best Groomed Moustache - Neat, tidy moustache. This moustache will be judged on overall appearance, contrast between shaved and moustache areas, and symmetry. Styling and Grooming Aids allowed. Imperial Moustache would fit in this category.
10. English Moustache - A narrow, slender moustache with the hairs extend ed outward from the middle of the upper lip. The tips may be slightly raised. Hairs growing from beyond the corner of the mouth must be shaved. Styling aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3) competitors will be moved into Best Groomed Moustache
11. Dali Moustache - Slender with the tips curled upward. Hairs growing from beyond the corner of the mouth must be shaved. The tips may not extend above the level of the eyebrows. Styling Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3) competitors will be moved into Best Groomed Moustache
12. Freestyle Moustache - Freestyle Moustache - Free design and styling of the moustache. All moustaches not meeting the criteria for other categories may compete in this category. All hair growing from more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth must be shaved. Styling Aids permitted.
Partial Beards
13. Natural Goatee, Shaped (short, full) - Shaped Goatees must have a minimum 3” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. (This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be). All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Grooming Aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.
14. Natural Goatee, Wide <18” - All Wide Goatees must have a minimum 2” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. (This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be). All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Grooming Aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3) competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
15. Natural Goatee >18” - All Goatees over 18” must have a minimum 2” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. (This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be). All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Grooming Aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.*If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
16. Natural Sideburns, Friendly - Must be a true sideburn with no natural or shaven gap by the ear. Chin is shaven at least 1.5" (the width of a standard razor blade). The moustache shall be connected on the upper lip, also known as the “friendly” chops. Grooming Aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into one combined Natural Sideburns Category
17. Natural Sideburns - Must be a true sideburn with no natural or shaven gap by the ear. Chin is shaven at least 1.5" (the width of a standard razor blade). No moustache permitted. Grooming Aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into one combined Natural Sideburns Category
18. Fu Manchu - All areas more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth horizontally must be clean shaven, and the chin area is shaved as well. The moustache and partial beard hairs are permitted to grow from the face descending vertically towards the jawline and 3/4” beyond. The tips of the moustache extend downward. Styling Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the Partial Beard Freestyle category
19. Musketeer - Also known as a “3-Point Beard”. The beard is narrow and pointed. The moustache is slender, long, and drawn out in a slight bow. The moustache may not include hairs growing from more than 3/4” past the corners of the mouth. Styling Aids permitted. Facial Hair will be judged for overall look, overall presentation will be considered.
20. Donegal (short, tight, shaved cheeks) - The Donegal is a tight, well groomed beard with no moustache and shaved upper cheeks. This style will consist of beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache (Similar to C. Everett Koops beard). Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the Whaler or Shenandoah adjacent category
21. Whaler (longer, non shaved cheeks) - The Whaler is a wilder, full beard up to 12” in length with no moustache and cheeks can be shaved or not shaved. This style will consist of all beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache. Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the Donegal or Shenandoah category
22. Shenandoah (very long, wild. shaved or non shaved cheeks) - The Shenandoah is a longer, full beard over 12” in length with no moustache. Cheeks can be shaved or not shaved. This style will consist of all beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache. Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the Whaler or Donegal category
23. Goatee Freestyle - Goatee Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of a Goatee. This is a styled partial beard with no structural aids. Styling Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the Partial beard Freestyle category
24. Sideburns Freestyle - Sideburns Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of sideburns. This is a styled partial beard with no structural aids. Styling Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the Partial beard Freestyle category
25. Partial Beard Freestyle - Partial Beard Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of a Partial Beard and does not fit into the Freestyle Sideburns or Freestyle Goatee category. This is a styled partial beard with no structural aids permitted. Styling Aids permitted.
Full Beards
26. Full Beard, Best Groomed <3” (Flyweight) - A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Grooming Aids permitted, 0-3” lengths accepted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
27. Full Beard, Best Groomed 3” - 6” (Bantamweight) - A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Grooming Aids permitted, 3”-6” lengths accepted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
28. Full Beard Best Groomed 6”-12” (Featherweight) - A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Grooming Aids permitted, 6”-12” lengths accepted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
29. Full Beard Best Groomed 12”-18” (Lightweight) - A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Grooming Aids permitted, all lengths 12”-18” accepted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
30. Full Beard Best Groomed 18”-24” (Middleweight) - A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Grooming Aids permitted, all lengths 18” to 24” accepted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
31. Full Beard Best Groomed >24” (Heavyweight) - A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Grooming Aids permitted, all lengths over 24” accepted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
32. Full Beard Garibaldi - The Garibaldi Beard is wide and round at the bottom, and no more than 8 inches in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better. The moustache may not be made distinct from the beard or styled. The beard may not be curled under at the bottom. Grooming Aids permitted, No Styling Aids Permitted.
33. Full Beard, Styled Moustache <3” (Flyweight) - Full beard from 0-3” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face. Grooming Aids permitted in the beard, styling aids permitted in the Moustache. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
34. Full Beard, Styled Moustache 3"- 6” (Bantamweight) - Full beard from 3”-6” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face. Grooming Aids permitted in the beard, styling aids permitted in the Moustache. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
35. Full Beard, Styled Moustache 6”-12” (Featherweight) - Full beard from 6”-12” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face. Grooming Aids permitted in the beard, styling aids permitted in the Moustache. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
36. Full Beard, Styled Moustache 12’-18” (Lightweight) - Full beard from 12’-18” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face. Grooming Aids permitted in the beard, styling aids permitted in the Moustache. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
37. Full Beard, Styled Moustache 18”-24” (Middleweight) - Full beard from 18”-24” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face. Grooming Aids permitted in the beard, styling aids permitted in the Moustache. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
38. Full Beard, Styled Moustache >24” (Heavyweight) - Full beard over 24” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face. Grooming Aids permitted in the beard, styling aids permitted in the Moustache. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
39. Full Beard Natural <3” (Flyweight) - The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 3” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
40. Full Beard Natural 3”-6” (Bantamweight) - The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 6” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
41. Full Beard Natural 6”-12” (Featherweight) - The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 12” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
42. Full Beard Natural 12”-18” (Lightweight) - The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 12” - 18” in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
43. Full Beard Natural 18”-24” (Middleweight) - The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 18” - 24” in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
44. Full Beard Natural >24” (Heavyweight) - The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 24” or more in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. Grooming Aids permitted. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into an adjacent category
45. Full Beard Freestyle - The full bearded contestant will have the creative freedom to style their beard in any manner that they like. There are no restrictions on length, symmetry, asymmetry or color. Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.
Craft Categories
46. Realistic Moustache - This Craft/Realistic Category requires a crafted, realistic looking moustache. There are no other regulations. Beards that maintain their shape/lift/buoyancy without the additional aid of the wearers own appendages will be rewarded with higher scores.
47. Creative Moustache - For this category, the general idea of the creation should be able to be recognized as moustache-like in shape, nature, or essence of origin in regards to the human body. There are no restrictions on materials to be used, except for what may possibly be illegal or dangerous to others. The creation must be able to hang freely on the face or general head/upper torso area without consistent help from the appendages of the wearer.
48. Realistic Beard - This Craft/Realistic Category requires a crafted, realistic looking beard. There are no other regulations. Beards that maintain their shape/lift/buoyancy without the additional aid of the wearers own appendages will be rewarded with higher scores.
49. Creative Beard - For this category, the general idea of the creation should be able to be recognized as beardish or otherwise beard-like in shape, nature, or essence of origin in regards to the human body. There are no restrictions on materials to be used, except for what may possibly be illegal or dangerous to others. The creation must be able to hang freely from the face or general head/upper torso area without consistent help from the appendages of the wearer.
50. Attached, Natural Craft Moustache -Facial Hair that is created from pulling around the wearers real, attached head hair and making it resemble moustache, or other facial hair. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the adjacent Attached Natural Category or the Realistic Beard or Realistic Moustache Categories
51. Attached, Natural Craft Beard - Facial Hair that is created from pulling around the wearers real, attached head hair and making it resemble a beard or partial beard. *If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the adjacent Attached Natural Category or the Realistic Beard or Realistic Moustache Categories
More info on the National Beard and Moustache Championships can be found HERE.